Share some APDS 3171T exam questions and answers below.
In addition to requiring Named User permission for each user, what must the EDP solution follow in the presence or absence of Avaya Aura Media Server (AAMS)? (Please choose two options)
A. Only one master node in each cluster requires a Server license
B. If AAMS is HA deployment, and then both AAMS and EDP are HA
C. If AAMS is HA deployment, and then AAMS or EDP can be HA
D. AAMS and EDP can be used by all snap-in or other Avaya solutions
E. CapEx-oriented Named User License and OpEx-oriented Named User cannot be mixed in the same solution
Answer: BE
You are designing for a customer with 11,000SIP users. Assume that the user has two devices registered at the same time and need redundancy. What is the minimum configuration to meet this requirement?
A. 1 Session Manager
B. 2 Session Managers
C. 3 Session Managers
D. 4 Session Managers
Answer: B
A customer has 9650 users. You need to use "nine (9) user-per-session model" for SIP trunks. You hope that at a time, 10% of users can use the mobile function. What is the optimal number of ASBCE security visits in the design?
A. 1073 Standard Sessions with 107 Advanced Sessions
B. 1073 Standard Sessions with 965 Advanced Sessions
C. 2038 Standard Sessions with 204 Advanced Sessions
D. 2038 Standard Sessions with 965 Advanced Sessions
Answer: D
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