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Share some SAP Certified Technology Associate C_TADM70_73 exam questions and answers below. To prevents unintended overlaps between filed names in tables and R3LOAD key words, as well as other inconsistencies. What do you perform? A. Before the data export/Import, R3LOAD performs a syntax check on the *STR files. B. After the data export/import, R3LOAD performs a syntax check on the *STR files Answer: A
The command file DBEXPORT.R3S controls the database export of a A. Heterogeneous system copy. B. For both systems C. Homogeneous system copy Answer: B
Every database vendor provides a JDBC interface for easy database access. Interface? Which JDBC interface is used for SAP? A. JDBC interface provide by the database vendor B. SAP using it own JDBC interface Answer: B
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