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Our 600-460 Implementing and Supporting Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise are updated in a timely manner in accordance with the changing of Exam Objectives. In fact, the success is not far away, go down along with Passtcert, then you will come to the road to success.Passtcert Cisco certification 600-460 actual questions praised by the majority of candidates is not a recent thing. This shows Passtcert Cisco certification 600-460 actual questions can indeed help the candidates to pass the exam. Compared to other questions providers, Passtcert CCE 600-460 exam have been far ahead. uestions broad consumer recognition and reputation, it has gained a public praise.
Share some CCE 600-460 exam questions and answers below.
Which two things can cause the "Send to VRU" to fail within an ICM script for Cisco Unified Customer Voice Portal? (Choose two.)
A. No network VRU is configured for the routing client.
B. VRU PIM just got out of service.
C. Incorrect media file name.
D. Send to originator is not enabled.
E. Primary VRU peripheral gateway is out of service.
Answer: A,B
When performing an upgrade to Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise solution, which components do not need to be upgraded together during the same maintenance window?
A. Cisco Unified ICM call router and logger
B. Cisco Unified ICM call router and administrative workstation
C. Cisco Unified ICM call router and peripheral gateway
D. administrative workstation and HDS-DDS
Answer: C
In the Cisco Contact Center Enterprise solution, which process is responsible for peer-to-peer synchronization?
A. ccagent
B. mds
C. router
D. opc
Answer: B

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