With Passtcert Adobe Flash CC ACE 9A0-359 dumps book, you will become full of confidence and not have to worry about the exam. However, it lets you get certified effortlessly.Passtcert Adobe Flash CC ACE 9A0-359 dumps book are the best training materials on the Internet. It is the leader in all training materials. It not only can help you to pass the exam, you can also improve your knowledge and skills. Help you in your career in your advantage successfully.
Share some ACE Flash 9A0-359 exam questions and answers below.
What is the first thing Captivate does when you create a project using the PowerPoint workflow?
A. Convert PPTX and PPSX to PPT format
B. Convert PPT, PPS, and PPSX to PPTX format
C. Convert PPT, PPTX, and PPSX to PPS format
D. Convert PPT, PPTX, and PPS to PPSX format
Answer: A
You have created a Training Assessment and find that you need to adjust the timing for a number of objects on a slide. The timeline is NOT visible. What should you do?
A. Right-click the slide background and choose Show Timeline.
B. Choose View > Show Timeline.
C. Choose Window > Toolbars > Show Timeline.
D. Choose Window > Timeline.
Answer: D
You have created a project from a PowerPoint presentation. You want to add a few more slides from a different presentation to this project.What is the most effective way to do this?
A. Create a new project with the second presentation and then copy slides from the second project and paste them in the first project.
B. Click Insert > PowerPoint Slide and navigate to the second presentation and add the required slides.
C. Click Insert > Additional PowerPoint Slides and navigate to the second presentation and add the required slides.
D. Paste the required slides from the second presentation to the first presentation and then create a new project from it.
Answer: B

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